PrestoSQL / Presto UI – Get stats programmatically via API

If you’re having trouble getting the /ui/api/stats info programmatically, you can use this script. Its ill-advised as they may change those APIs at any time; but as some of the UI stats are better/more correct than prometheus stats, you may need them as we did.

% COOKIE_VALUE=$(curl --location --request POST '' \
--data-urlencode 'username=john.humphreys' \
--data-urlencode 'password=<password>' --cookie-jar - --output /dev/null  --silent | awk '{print $7}' | tail -1l)

curl '' -H $''"Cookie: Presto-UI-Token=$COOKIE_VALUE"'' | jq --color-output

  "runningQueries": 8,
  "blockedQueries": 0,
  "queuedQueries": 0,
  "activeCoordinators": 1,
  "activeWorkers": 35,
  "runningDrivers": 3957,
  "totalAvailableProcessors": 2450,
  "reservedMemory": 2770000473,
  "totalInputRows": 1133212564136,
  "totalInputBytes": 10872687401451,
  "totalCpuTimeSecs": 777021

MAC Make Dock Wait/Delay Longer Before Appearing

If the dock at the bottom of your Mac is getting in your way when you try to do quick actions, like using a horizontal scroll-bar in a full-screen app, then you can use this CLI setting to bump up the delay to a few seconds.

I find 3 seconds is enough to get most things in that area of the screen done, but is also short enough that it using the dock on purpose isn’t too painful.

defaults write autohide-delay -float 3; killall Dock

I found this on stack overflow after digging around for a while ->