Shut Down All Docker Containers Based on Internal Analysis – JupyterHub Example

I manage a few decent sized Jupyter Hub environments based on the docker spawner.  Each frequently has more than 50 users, sometimes much more…. and recently, one of the servers ran out of memory.

I have some read-only notebooks inside the user containers… so I figured that if a user only had those read only notebooks, I could shut down their docker containers.  They weren’t doing any work that could be lost.

So, I wrote this script to:

  1. List all docker containers.
  2. Get their names.
  3. Exec a bash command in them.
  4. Shut them down based on the result.

I hope it helps you with a similar docker-related issue! 🙂

CONTAINERS=`docker container ls | awk '{print $14}'`
  #echo $name
  COUNT=`docker exec ${NAME} ls -a | grep .ipynb | grep -v checkpoints | wc -l`
  if [[ $COUNT = 1 ]];
    echo "Stopping $NAME with COUNT = $COUNT."
    docker container stop $NAME;

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