Determine Compatibility of hadoop-aws and aws-java-sdk-bundle JARs

When you’re integrating hadoop and other big-data frameworks into AWS s3, you will quickly run into a situation where you need to include the hadoop-aws and aws-java-sdk-bundle JARs into your class path.

Unfortunately, these JARs are separately versioned and it is hard to figure out compatibility.  The hadoop-aws JAR has to match your hadoop version exactly, so that one is fine.

Determining the Right Version

  1. Check your hadoop version.
  2. Get the hadoop-aws.jar with the same exact version.
  3. Go to the maven central page for the correct version of the hadoop-aws.jar and look at its compile dependencies.  E.g. at you can see the SDK dependency is com.amazonaws » aws-java-sdk-bundle 1.11.199.

1 thought on “Determine Compatibility of hadoop-aws and aws-java-sdk-bundle JARs

  1. Thanks for posting this. It is surprisingly un-obvious (to me anyway) until one understands that the the hadoop version decides the hadoop-aws version that decides the sdk bundle version


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